Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Cat story (17)

My cat Krishna said me to evening:
- My girlfriend asked me to a party.
- Oh!
- But I have a problem.
- ???
- She lives in the USA.
- So what?
- I fear to go to the USA.
- Why?
- I am a red. They regard the red cats as terrorists and separatists. They think only the black cats and some white cats have the right to exist. I'll put into Guantanamo Bay detention camp as a terrorist. I am too young to die.

Friday, 11 July 2014


I had a dream. I was as an onlooker at a strange and even a wild show. I saw a boundless barren desert. It seemed the sun was in perpetual noon. Time had stopped. The great number people stood pending The End of The World. All people knew about The End of The World and were calm.
Two men stood at some distance and talked in low voices. The first man was a philosopher. The second man was a wanderer. 
- let's move off. I feel uncomfortable here, - the philosopher said.
- Ok, - agreed the wanderer. 
They moved away some distance from the crowd.
- It's interesting, is God real personage or not? - the wanderer asked.
- I don't know. We'll have possibility to see it, - the philosopher replied. - In any case God will become our reality soon. I all my life pondered over nature of things. I studied the life in all its manifestations but was unable to know God.
- I roamed about the world but didn't find God, - the wanderer agreed.
They talked about different topics a long time. The sun was ringing in their ears by hot voice: "God, God, God," - blood pounded in their heads.
- I think it is time to go, - the philosopher said.
- I agree, - the wanderer replied.
They have returned to the place which they left some times ago. They were shocked by what they saw. People in the white clothes were going along the road. These were the same people who had stood here not long ago. But now they looked different. Their clothes were dazzlingly white. Their faces were joyful. On the right side and the left side of the procession the Angels were going with light. All were going to Paradise.
- We are late, - said the philosopher. - What should we do?
- You will live to see another The End of The World, - Angel said.